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Headline : ‘Universal’ equation predicts how often bird, bat, insect wings beat

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A gander of geese takes flight, January 18, 2017. | Photo Credit: Gary Bendig/Unsplash

Almost all animals that fly through the air and many that swim through water have evolved to flap their wings (or fins) at a frequency given by a simple formula, three scientists at Roskilde University in Denmark have found.

The formula relates the flapping frequency at which a winged entity bats its wings to hover in the air (or stay submerged in the water) to the entity’s mass and the size of the wings.

The researchers also found the formula holds for a large variety of life-forms, including insects, birds, bats, penguins, whales, and one robotic bird called an ornithopter — the dragonfly-like aeroplanes in the new Dune films.

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