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Headline : Don’t trust home remedies from video mimicking untrustworthy ‘naturopath’ Barbara O’Neill

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IN SHORT: Short videos circulating on Facebook with “health secrets” for slowing down ageing contain nothing but unreliable home “remedies”. What's more, these videos are unusual in that they are not only inaccurate, but also impersonate another untrustworthy source.

A video, which has been viewed at least 1.2 million times on Facebook, claims to offer “3 holistic health secrets that will make you look younger at 93 than you did in your 30s”. It’s just one of dozens of videos on Facebook and TikTok with similar or identical audio promoting the same “health secrets”.

The videos prominently feature Barbara O’Neill, an Australian naturopath who is responsible for promoting many false health claims. She has been banned for life from providing any health services by an Australian regulatory body. The videos typically include clips from O’Neill’s lectures and a voice that sounds like hers delivering the “health secrets”.

The “secrets” include drinking a mixture of ginger and lemon juice, applying rosemary oil to the hair, and taking “a moringa supplement”. Their specific uses and effects are not described in detail, but the voiceover informs viewers: “These are the three holistic health secrets that have made me look younger at 93 than I did at 50.” (The claimed ages vary from video to video.)

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