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Headline : Introducción a las pruebas de cáncer pulmonar

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Risa Kerslake is a registered nurse and freelance writer who lives in the Midwest, specializing in health, parenting and education topics. Her work has appeared in Women's World, Healthline, Parents, Discover, Sleep Foundation and Giddy, among others.

She's a professional member of both the American Society of Journalists and Authors and the Association of Health Care Journalists. In addition to writing and helping people advocate for their own health, she's enthusiastic about crocheting and reading under the covers. You can find her at

Más mujeres y no fumadores están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer pulmonar. Aquí encontrarás lo que debes saber sobre las pautas más recientes de pruebas de cáncer pulmonar.

Sara Ghandehari, M.D., hizo la revisión médica de este documento

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