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Headline : Why I’m not looking forward to the Nintendo Switch 2 – Reader’s Feature

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A reader is concerned that Nintendo risks making a big mistake when it comes to its new console, which could end up being too powerful.

Within the next eight months the Nintendo Switch 2 will be announced, and the internet will go crazy. Nintendo fans will pick through every detail and make wild assumptions that they get upset about when they don’t come true. Meanwhile, Nintendo haters will start accusing the company of being greedy and lazy and all the other nonsense they make up when they get angry that Nintendo’s latest game has been critically acclaimed.

Nintendo would have to be awful for 40 years straight for their reputation to be downgraded as far as neutral, let alone bad. There’s just no arguing about the volume of quality games they’ve made across almost every genre. No one even comes close to them in terms of the ability to churn out classic after classic.

However, they are a company, like any other, and that means that not only is their primary goal to make money but they’re also prone to be carried along by industry trends. Not as much as other publishers, but no video game console is an island, and I am very worried about what dangerous new habits Nintendo could pick up with the Switch 2.

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