Headline : 19 Essential Episodes of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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This list was originally published in 2022. More episodes have been added ahead of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’s 16th season.

There are a lot of strange shows on TV, but truly nothing compares to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. A largely plotless, filthy-mouthed sitcom about five goblinlike bartenders played by a cast of initially unknown actors (and Danny DeVito) that has been on the air nearly as long as Grey’s Anatomy? Simply put, it shouldn’t exist. Yet it does, and for that, we are grateful because Sunny also happens to be an absolute gem — funnier, smarter, and more consistently surprising than nearly all its comedic peers.

About that last part: 16 seasons in (the newest episodes arrive tonight, June 7, on FXX and will be available on Hulu the following day), Sunny is still just as capable of shocking its audience as it was way back in season one, when, as early fans will remember, the gang did everything from protest abortion clinics to date high-schoolers (they were 18!). The show’s writers know how to deliver one jaw-dropping “Did they really do that?” moment after another while maintaining an easy, meandering pace that lets viewers feel as contentedly lazy as Dennis behind the bar.

That’s not to say that every one of Sunny’s 162 episodes has worked; longtime viewers know that more than a few installments have backfired badly thanks to cringeworthy gags or ill-conceived attempts at social commentary. To love Sunny, however, is to accept its occasional flaws, knowing there will be a trip to the Jersey Shore or a rendition of “The Nightman Cometh” waiting around the corner.

Read more from the original article on here at www.vulture.com.

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