
Headline : Tiny Desk Premiere: Lise Davidsen

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I knew we were in for something spectacular when the Norwegian soprano Lise Davidsen came to our Tiny Desk โ€” especially when she could be heard, loud and clear, from far down the hall, warming up in our green room. Once she got to the Desk itself, to rehearse with pianist and Metropolitan Opera assistant conductor Bryan Wagorn, the sublime amplitude of her extraordinary voice rendered the space even tinier.

Davidsen's voice, which is incongruously gigantic and intimate, has been called "one-in-a-million." I was completely sold on the hype after only a few seconds of singing. A couple of us reached for tissues to wipe away tears of disbelief. The voice gleams like pure polished silver, powerful enough to surge past massive orchestras and yet capable of paring down to a single silvery strand of tone, perfectly supported to reach the rafters.

It's all the more remarkable since Davidsen was already in her 20s before she saw an opera for the first time. Her warp-speed rise has taken her from a small town in Norway, where she played handball and strummed her guitar, to starring roles at the world's finest stages.

She begins her set with Desdemona's quiet supplication from Verdi's Otello. It's a prayer for the troubles of the world today, she explains. A moody song of unrequited love by her compatriot Edvard Grieg follows. And, saving the money notes for last, Davidsen closes with a rambunctious czardas from Die Csรกrdรกsfรผrstin. Notice the subtlety of phrasing when she extends the word "Heimatland" beautifully in the opening verse. She caps the aria with an electrifying high C. The audience, appropriately, goes nuts.

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