
Headline : Waxahatchee renounced the tortured artist trope on her latest album

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No one wakes up one morning and suddenly has it all together. Even if it looks that way, building strength and figuring things out is a process โ€” a lifelong process, that never truly ends.

Katie Crutchfield, who performs as Waxahatchee, knows this. Her breakout album, Saint Cloud, came out in 2020, and it saw Crutchfield getting sober and figuring out this new person she was becoming and this new life she was living.

On her new album, you hear an artist who is continuing to find their footing. Tigers Blood is Crutchfield sounding confident; she's still vulnerable, but โ€” and this is key when you're trying to figure things out โ€” she also sounds resilient.

"I'm trying to see if I really prioritize my mental health, if I really try and take care of myself, if I really try and, like, actually seek some kind of happiness and peace, can I still find the thing, the songwriting voice," Crutchfield says. "Can I still chase after that?"

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