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The plot, cast performances, and technical issues

Aburo tells the story of its titular character, a street smart boy whoโ€™s skilled at stealing because of his speed. When he steals from Mide, a failed international athlete, their lives intersect as Mide takes on the role of mentor, guiding the young boy towards a new path in athletics.

Aburo attempts to incorporate multiple storylines and fails to excel at any. Beginning with a streetwise thief, it introduces a former athlete seeking redemption, intertwining a love story, familial conflicts, sports rivalries, and even a subplot involving a mob boss. With all of these, itโ€™s evident that Aburo lacks direction and is grasping at straws to provide a story. It would have been less egregious if one of these elements was adequately executed.

The love relationship between Edak and Mide (Played by Toni Tones and Efa Iwara respectively) has its moments, but as a whole, it is routine and uninspired. The movie tries to sell us on this romance by giving cute retorts and one liners, and arguments that start from nowhere and escalate exponentially, in the end, the relationship feels contrived and nothing more than cheap melodrama. The first confession of love from Mide to Edak was eye-roll-inducing, because there wasnโ€™t anything to bank that confession on. Additionally, the on-screen chemistry between Efa Iwara and Toni Tones is lacking, further diminishing the impact of their romantic connection.

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