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Headline : 3 Best Cold-Plunge Tubs (2024): Luxe, Budget, and Advice

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There was a time when a relaxing, hot bubble bath was all I needed to unwind, but these days my ice bath has taken precedence. And trust me, nobody is more surprised about this than I am. Like countless wellness trends before it, cold-plunge pools, ice baths, and cold-water therapy have been fueled by social media and celebrities, with Harry Styles, Lady Gaga, and David Beckham all advocates.

Just as massage guns made the transition from elite recovery tools to workout essentials, cold-water therapy is no longer just for use by athletes looking to alleviate pain post-exercise, or as a torture device in luxury spas. Thanks to brands such as Lumi and Myo Master, you can plunge yourself into ice-cold water in the backyard for as little as $100. Lumi saw 830-percent growth in the cold-water therapy space in 2023, and there's no end of luxury options available, with permanent plunge pools available from brands including Plunge, Edge Theory Labs, Sun Home Saunas, and Monk.

The idea of submerging myself in water below 60 degrees Fahrenheit seemed farcical, but my interest was piqued after a seemingly sensible friend told me she now skipped her morning coffee for an icy cold plunge, as it improves her โ€œmental clarity.โ€ Ice-cold water instead of coffee? Madness! Or so I thought.

If you're wondering what the point of cold-water plunging isโ€”I certainly wasโ€”some studies have shown it can relieve muscle soreness and even encourage weight loss. It has also been shown to improve mental health and increase alertness by increasing levels of noradrenaline by 530 percent and dopamine by 250 percent. Steven Dick from The Fitness Group explains further. โ€œExposure to cold water can also stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and can trigger the activation of brown adipose tissue (brown fat), which burns calories to generate heat.โ€ Keen to test these claims, and (hopefully) enjoy a dopamine hit, I called in the Myo Master MyoFreeze ice bath to try.

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