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Headline : Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses get hands-free Apple Music integration and more

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Meta has updated the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses with a little more functionality, especially for Apple Music, Messenger, and WhatsApp users.

Part of the appeal of Meta's glasses is listening to music through the built-in speakers, but if you're in Apple's ecosystem, that requires first manually queuing up music from your phone's Apple Music app. Now, asย first reported by 9to5Mac, Apple users can control their music entirely with their voice.

Using the Ray-Ban Meta's voice assistant, you can now make a voice request to play a specific song, artist, album, playlist, or genre. Also, if you're listening to a song for which you don't know the title and artist, you can ask, "Hey Meta, what song is this?" and Meta AI will tell you. This feature is not quite as handy as Now Playing on the Google Pixel, which automatically identifies songs playing nearby, but it's still pretty useful.

Also: I've tested a lot of tech in the past 6 months - the Meta Ray-Bans were the biggest surprise

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